Unions & Employees
Negotiation Advice International (NAI) has worked with unions and employees on their most pressing negotiations and conflicts with management, called on because of NAI’s unique expertise in handling the most important and challenging situations for our clients. The fact that we advise both employees and companies on employment matters in different contexts and industries worldwide means that we maintain a 360-degree perspective in managing disputes and negotiations. This allows us to quickly grasp the issues in play and promote our clients’ interests in a way that can be heard by their counterparts while bridging divides and structuring wise deals in both union negotiations and more general employee negotiations.
NAI’s Managing Director, Peter D. Johnston, spearheads all of our client engagements with a view to helping employees achieve more. He is an internationally recognized negotiation expert, sought-after negotiation consultant, speaker, mediator, and bestselling author. His award-winning book, Negotiating with Giants, relays lessons from our firm’s advisory work and some of history’s most difficult negotiations. Peter’s negotiation results have been formally recognized by the United States Government for their positive economic and social impact, both domestically and abroad.
We provide advice and training to support those negotiating with their employers, often in the most difficult circumstances, to help even the playing field whenever needed. Our advisory team generates substantive and process solutions supported by decades of experience — and success — in union negotiations, employee negotiations (primarily executives negotiating with their companies), and labor disputes.
Below are examples of a range of engagements executed by our principals in relation to negotiating labor-management talks, employee-employer interactions, and labor disputes. We work both behind the scenes guiding our clients as they negotiate, or as appropriate, go to the negotiation table on their behalf. Depending on the situation, we mediate contract talks as a whole, work with all parties to resolve specific contractual differences, or facilitate the re-building and improvement of vital working relationships.
As negotiation experts trusted by union, business, and government leaders, athletes, celebrities, and public figures, our reputation for discretion and confidentiality is critical to our success. Given the sensitive nature of our work, most of our clients’ names can never be made public. However, we do identify some clients when and as appropriate, only connecting them to detailed project descriptions on an exceptional basis.
—Union Leader, Manufacturing Industry
—Harry Barnes
Former Director, Jimmy Carter’s Conflict Resolution Center—Union Leader, Service Industry
Union Negotiations, Labor Disputes, and Executive Compensation Negotiations: Examples and Testimonials
Plumbing and Pipe-Fitting Union
We conducted a tailored training session for union members and union leaders in North America to help them negotiate more effectively with management representatives regarding their day-to-day communication and relationships, as well as longer-term contractual matters and grievance processes.
Allied Pilots Association (APA)
We started advising the pilots who fly for American Airlines more than a decade ago. Over the years, we have trained APA board members and negotiation teams in leading-edge approaches to negotiating their opportunities and differences with management. In addition to delivering tailored training programs and providing strategic advice with respect to evolving events at the airline, we have helped facilitate talks between senior union and management leaders to improve their critical working relationships.
A Fired Senior Executive
We pursued severance for a fired media executive through a suit launched against his employer — an engagement that involved hiring and guiding a strong legal team. The result: a robust exit package that allowed this executive, diagnosed with a mental illness, to take time off, improve his mental health, and transition to a new industry where he is now thriving.
Executive Compensation
“I first called NAI when I had a significant negotiation at my company over role definition and compensation for that role. NAI helped me prioritize my interests, reality-tested my expectations, and provided the latest standards on senior executive packages in my industry. Their advice made a very positive difference in me getting to an employment agreement that met my interests and those of my company.” —Technology Executive George McTaggart
Facilitating Union-Management Negotiations
“The immediate outcome of Peter Johnston’s involvement was a very successful contract negotiation. Following these negotiations, both Union and Company employees identified their utmost satisfaction with the process and results. Everyone’s most important needs have been satisfied in a situation where a win-win outcome was not obvious based on how we have negotiated historically.” —Ed West, Elkem Chemicals
An International Mining Company and Union
Our Managing Director Peter Johnston led a labor-management engagement with a bitter history including recent lockouts and strikes. At the request of the union and management, Peter and his team started by training all parties together in best practices for negotiating with each other over the course of three days. Peter guided the parties in brainstorming solutions to their most challenging issues, helped structure talks, and mediated them until the parties were able to operate on their own. A ground-breaking contract was reached and the parties agreed this training and facilitation of their discussions were critical to their positive outcome.
The Founder and Chair of a High-End Fashion Company
We advised this corporate chairman on negotiating the terms and conditions of his employment contract with a venture capital firm after it purchased a controlling interest in his company. We acted as the Founder’s agent, negotiating salary, bonuses, equity, options, appearances, and licensing fees. We continued to act as this leading designer’s agent with third parties to maximize the value of each of his deals — and his brand — until his retirement.